We are currently seeking candidates for the positions posted below, and look forward to receiving applications from qualified candidates.
Local Staff Position Vacancies for the 2015-2016 Academic Year
Teaching Position Vacancies for the 2016-2017 Academic Year: Elementary School
Secondary School
Language Teacher Vacancies with the Chaoyang English Project — Partnership between BISS and the Beijing Chaoyang District Education Committee
Positions that were previously advertised but are now not listed above have been filled. Thank you to all applicants for your interest, and we wish you the best for your job search. Application Procedures (Follow instructions exactly to ensure your application is considered)
1. Peruse our website to familiarise yourself with BISS and consider the requirements of the position carefully. 2. If you are qualified and fit our desired candidate profile, please complete the online application form via this link for teaching at BISS and local staff applicants (CEP English Langauge Teachers do NOT use this link - please see #3 below): http://fs7.formsite.com/biss/form2/index.html *** ***Some users have reported technical difficulties with our online system, so until our IT dept have fixed it, please e-mail your application directly to Ms Ying Xu, PA to the Head of School at YXu@biss.com.cn. Please be prepared to upload the following (required):
3. For Language Teacher or Trainer positions with the Chaoyang English Project, please use this dedicated link: |